Modeling Loss Aversion and Reference Dependence Effects on Brand Choice
Bruce G.S. Hardie
Eric J. Johnson
Peter S. Fader
Marketing Science
Volume 12, Number 4
Fall 1993
Based upon a recently developed multiattribute generalization of prospect
theory's value function, it is argued that consumer choice is influenced
by the position of brands relative to multiattribute reference points,
and that consumers weigh losses from a reference point more than equivalent
sized gains. Implications of this model are sketched for understanding
brand choice. A multinomial logit formulation of a reference-dependent
choice model is developed, calibrating it using scanner data. In addition
to providing better fit in both estimation and forecast periods than a
standard multinomial logit model, the model's coefficients demonstrate
significant loss aversion, as hypothesized. The implications of a reference-dependent
view of consumer choice are discussed for modeling brand choice, and it
is demonstrated that loss aversion can account for asymmetric responses
to changes in product characteristics. Additional implications for competitive
strategy are examined. |